How four-legged friends help the homeless (Video)

What are the best ways of helping homeless people? Living on the street can be a cold and chaotic life, but most of all a lonely one….

(Video) Tiny Pomeranian puppy called Snowball becomes an online hit thanks to its incredibile look!

Being a pet owner can have lots of positive aspects. Pets can be our best friends, confidants, motivators and even our teachers. That’s what Yhohan Kim from…

This Little Dog Has The Weirdest Superpower, And It Will Make You Laugh Hard

This Little Dog Has The Weirdest Superpower, And It Will Make You Laugh Hard img#mv-trellis-img-1::before{padding-top:56.25%; }img#mv-trellis-img-1{display:block;} img#mv-trellis-img-2::before{padding-top:75%; }img#mv-trellis-img-2{display:block;}img#mv-trellis-img-3::before{padding-top:132.82828282828%; }img#mv-trellis-img-3{display:block;}img#mv-trellis-img-4::before{padding-top:132.82828282828%; }img#mv-trellis-img-4{display:block;}img#mv-trellis-img-5::before{padding-top:79.545454545455%; }img#mv-trellis-img-5{display:block;} I’ve heard of many unusual things…

The Singing French Bulldog Is Back For Another Duet With His Owner (Video)

Dogs they are glorified in legends since days ancient as being more faithful than people and remain close in perilous times. There are volumes of poems inspired…

Owner Films The Moment German Shepherd Realises He’s At The Vet And Not The Dog Park

Dogs may not be able to speak, but they can still communicate. Have you ever given it a thought how different phrases can genuinely alter how we…

A Man Who Discovered A Chained Dog With Her Little Puppies, Had No Hope That They Would Survive

Humans occasionally have the capacity for awful behavior. We didn’t understand how someone could react to these helpless creatures in such a cruel way. We don’t have…

Dog Rescued A Year Ago Still Hugs His Mom Every Day When She Gets Home

Meet Kylo, the rescue doggie who feels so grateful for being saved from a shelter, he just wants to snuggle and hug his human mom the moment…

Rediscovering the 1971 Lamborghini Miura’s Allure Through its Striking Natural Bare Metal Finish

Credited as the first supercar with a mid-engined layout, the Lamborghini Miura isn’t the kind of classic you should expect to find in a barn. However, some…

Service dog gives birth at Tampa International Airport (VIDEO)

A US service dog unexpectedly gave birth to eight puppies in the middle of the Tampa International Airport, just before her owners boarded their flight. Eleanor ‘Ellie’…

Gentle Horse Has Adorable Reaction When His Dog Friend Brings Over A Teddy Bear (Video)

Horses are friendly toward other animals. They make friends with creatures and genuinely appreciate having different kinds around them. They cavort around with canines, pet cats, and…