Loyal Dogs Comfort Each Other After Tattoo Artist Owner Dies Trying To Protect Them

Two loyal dogs have been pictured comforting each other in a tear-jerking photograph after their tattoo artist owner died trying to protect them.

Tonka and Little P were hiking and exploring in Colorado, in the US, with their devoted dad Kris Busching when they all got lost and spent three days without food or drink.

Kris spotted a creek with water in a canyon below, but during the descent lost his footing and plummeted to the bottom as he tried to pull his precious pit bulls to safety.

Tragically the 33-year-old died upon impact, while Tonka suffered a broken leg and Little P sustained a broken jaw.

The pooches refused to leave Kris’ body and were found a day later by search and rescue helicopters.

They were taken to Kris’ devastated family in Long Island, New York, where nonprofit animal shelter organisation Mr. Bones & Co. stepped in and rushed the pups to an emergency vet.

It was here where the doggy brothers “who lost their world suddenly” were photographed comforting each other and sweetly touching noses as they deal with the pain of their injuries and their grief.

The animal charity shared the photo with the caption: “The level of loyalty and love that radiated from these two as big brother Tonka was admitted to our emergency animal hospital so that his leg could be saved needs no further caption.

“His bond with Little P is forever.”

The dogs have undergone numerous treatments, been given lots of TLC and are now on the path to recovery.

But the pair have a gaping hole in their lives as they come to terms with never seeing their adored owner again.

Kris, a talented tattoo artist, took them on amazing adventures and gave them an incredible life.

His brother Dave paid tribute and said: “We are all devastated, and really can’t describe the void and pain that we all feel.

“He was a talented human, with huge hopes and dreams. He lived an extreme lifestyle, and like most in my family, loved the outdoors.

“He was where he loved to be when he passed.”

Dave added: “Nothing, no one prepares you for something like this.”

The animal charity has vowed to find the pair a new home together so they are not separated as Kris’ family heartbreakingly cannot look after them.

They are currently at two different foster homes as they recover.

Tonka has undergone several surgeries to his legs with the care team “going out of their way to make sure he feels the love during this very confusing time for him”.

The animal shelter organisation added: “He’s been able to hang out with the doctors and nurses behind the scenes and soak up a ton of TLC. He’s eating well and coping with his splints politely.

Tonka has since been discharged from the hospital.

In an update on Little P, they said: “His surgery to wire and splint his broken jaw was successful and he’s looking forward to leaving the hospital today with his foster mama!

“After an almost immediate attempt to play and get rowdy, our decision to not foster them together was further reinforced. Now that Little P also has a strict recovery period he needs to get through, it is imperative that both dogs continue to temporarily foster separately.

“This brief separation will be a blip on the radar when they are recovered and have found their new home together!”

They continued: “For Little P to have suffered such a severe break, whatever his head hit on the fall down the canyon hit with such force that he had little chance of surviving, and yet, he did.

“As long as this fighter keeps everything except kibble out of his mouth for six weeks he will heal and undergo one more outpatient surgery to remove the splint and wiring and our silly little ping pong ball will be back at play!”

A fundraising page has also been set up to help Kris’ family financially and has raised more than $12,000.

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