Sweetheart Cat Covers New Mom In Kisses To Celebrate His Adoption

When just shy of turning four months old, a trio of sweetheart kittens was tied up in a garbage sack and tossed out a moving car window. The Michigan Cat Rescue said the little ones “were thrown away like garbage,” but a kind soul found the kittens and brought them to a shelter. Sadly though, the kittens were put on the euthanasia clock.

Once the cat lovers of the Michigan Cat Rescue heard their sad tale, “we HAD to rescue them from death row.” And soon, Honey Cake, Cookie Pie, and Custard Pie were in their care and up for adoption. For such a cruel start, the kittens were a smart little trio, already litter trained and familiar with the ways of a scratching post. With faces so cute and hearts so big, it wouldn’t take long for them to find their forever homes. In fact, for Honey Cake, home was right around the corner.

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

Finnegan Honey Cake Loves His Mom

When seeing Honey Cake online, Renee Pelton had the moment so many cat moms have experienced when they see a picture of the cat meant to become part of the family. Love at first sight, you know, the kind where the heart recognizes a meant-to-be bond and can’t walk away.

About her moment of surety, Renee told The Dodo, “I went on Facebook and saw this video of Finnegan from the Michigan Cat Rescue and at that moment I said, ‘I want that cat.’”

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

When she met Honey Cake in person, the bond clicked even harder, and Renee knew Honey Cake was meant to be her best friend. Their meeting was caught on video and you can see how these two were destined for each other. Honey Cake, who became Finnegan, kissed Renee all over, even giving her raspy kisses on the face. And when his new mom started with the belly rubs, well, Finnegan/Honey Cake said, “Sign the papers and let’s go home!”

Once home, the kisses haven’t stopped, with Renee explaining, “He likes to give kisses, loves hugs, loves to be held like a baby. I’ve never had a cat like him.”

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

Have Heart for These Sweet Cats

As a nurse, Renee knows the importance of taking care of your health, so she scheduled a physical for Finnegan “and they said, ‘Oh my god, he has a heart murmur.’”

The issue is not just a minor one; it could very well impact his lifespan.

“He’s not going to be a cat that lives to be 21 years old,” Renee shared. “We have to take him every year and he’ll be on medication and might die of heart failure. He could live 10 years.”

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

And his brother and sister suffer from the same heart issue. And the testing was a heavy expense for the rescue, which, like most rescues, relies on donations to keep the doors open and the cats healthy.

“I broke out in tears when they told me it was going to cost $700,” Michigan Cat Rescue founder, Nancy Hutchinson, told The Dodo. “Its $350 for each cat for a consult and cardiac ultrasound.”

But the expense was necessary as Nancy explained the tests were important for a proper diagnosis as the heart issue could very well be genetic. And now that the Rescue knows about Custard Pie and Cookie Pie’s heart conditions, they can manage the issue and teach the kittens’ new family how best to deal with it. And, when it comes to thoughts of home, because these two sweetie pies are a bonded pair, they’ve made a request of the world, “PLEASE don’t separate us, we love each other.”

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

Adorable little purr monsters like their brother, Cookie Pie and Custard Pie shouldn’t have to wait too long before their new family finds them, and then, they can be like Finnegan and Renee, who said, “I’m not taking care of him, he’s taking care of me.”

H/T: www.gidypet.com
Feature Image: Michigan Cat Rescue/Facebook

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