Poor Woman’s Paralyzed Dog Is Taken Away & She Collapsed To The Floor In Tears

No matter how old or sick our dogs are, our responsibilities remain the same, writes ilovemydogsomuch

It’s common to hear stories about dogs being “exchanged” for puppies by owners who have no desire to bother with veterinary care or can’t afford it.

There is never a reason to abandon a dog. In this story, a dog named Bong, began life like most dogs do: Healthy and active. But then suddenly, out of nowhere, his back legs gave out and he could no longer use them. Instead of getting him the help he needs, his owner dumped him inside a cardboard box!

A kind older lady heard his cries. She ran to the box and saved him! The woman they refer to as “Grandma” in the town because she’s the elder, decided she would care for him even though she is quite poor. She fed him from her own food. She made him a bed out of a box and lots of blankets. She also carted him around town so he would get fresh air. She loves Bong so much!

The only thing Grandma could do for Bong when he wanted to walk on his own was to bandage his legs and use a soft blanket on his legs to prevent him from hurting himself. That was all she could do, but it was much more than his owners ever provided.

Grandma was so attached to Bong that she would only fall asleep at night after he had been tucked in nearby.

They brought them some gifts for Bong and Grandma after hearing their story. Bong got a new bed, some yummy dog food, and some toys. Grandma got the best present!

Grandma cried when they told her that they had located a medical center that would help Bong at no cost to her. Neither Bong nor Grandma should suffer because they didn’t have much money.

Bong went with his new friends, and Grandma, to his new doctor. He had a doggy MRI. The results were excellent! The scans showed that he had myelitis, which in 70% of cases is curable!

The only downside was that Bong would need extensive treatment and physical therapy. He would need to stay at the hospital so he could get better. Grandma knew that this was the best thing for Bong but she would miss him so much. She cried as she hugged him goodbye.

With daily therapy, Bong is beginning to improve. His sweet disposition has quickly won over all the staff. During his first therapy session, Bong is able to walk.

Every time Bong progressed, they called Grandma. Then Grandma came for a visit. Seeing Bong doing so well made Grandma so happy. She couldn’t wait to hug him and tell him what a good boy he is! The caregivers show Grandma what to do at home to help his legs.

A huge hug awaits Bong after he shows off for Grandma.

A special guest comes to see Bong next. In our first story about Bong, we spoke about his best friend, or rather his girlfriend. She comes to see him next! Before treatment, Bong would look so sad that he couldn’t play with his girlfriend but now he can chase her around. He’s so happy!

Grandma gives Bong a new harness as a welcome home gift! Now that she no longer has to carry him around, he can walk beside her!

Bong is doing well. It is still too early for him to be neutered, but once Bong’s nerves regenerate a bit more and he gets stronger, the vet will perform that procedure.

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