Desperate Mama Dog Claws Through Stone And Rubble To Rescue Her Puppies In Hopeless

A mother’s love is the strongest love there can be. When rescuers saw what a mother dog was doing for her puppies, it became apparent what she was doing. They were buried beneath the debris when the house in which she was residing collapsed. Animal Aid Unlimited India was fortunately there to assist.

The dog barked for assistance and wagged her tail when she spotted them.

The mother dog refused to give up despite the rescuers’ fears that the puppies had perished. She may have known the puppies were still alive because she placed her nose on the soil and prompted the rescuers to continue digging.

Although the rescuers were busy, the mother dog spotted a chance to help. She started chewing and digging in the ground to show where the puppies were. She seemed to be aware that they may suffocate at any moment.

They had to wait a while before they could hear the dogs whining from behind the debris. Although they were concealed, they were still alive.

After the puppies were set free, the mother looked at each one individually. She was happy to see her pups again.

The mother will be spayed when the puppies are weaned, and the family was transported securely. It’s fantastic to see individuals making an effort to support our animal buddies.

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