Emоtiоnаl Rеսniоn: A Blind Dоg Rеcоgnizеd His Cаninе Hаndlеr Frоm Thе Nаvу Aftеr Six уеаrs Thаnks Tо His Smеll

In 2010, 29-year-old Oceanside, California resident David Herrera was hired to care after Kash’s dogs.

Just 2 years old, Kash worked as an IED (improvised Explosive Device) detection dog. Prior to moving to Afghanistan, Hererra and Kash underwent training together in Hartsville, South Carolina.

They remained there for seven months as an inhabitant while clearing the highways of the exploratory community. Kash frequently rescused Herera’s life as well as the lives of his 30 other friends.

In one of the bloodiest places on earth, Sagin, we cleaned up roadside bumbs while riding in a truck for nearly every day of the subsequent seven months. He passed through those challenging moments, and the vehicle even had several IEDs. Our primary responsibility was to look for roadside expletives.

They were separated after arriving at the center, and Kash was sent to train with a different dog handler.

In a post on FaceBook, David stated:

“This eminent detection dog saved my life as well as the lives of numerous marines and sailors throughout the years, and I spent seven months in the wilderness with him.

I haven’t seen him since I returned from Afghanistan in May 2011. He is currently retired, elderly, and partially blind, but when he saw me, he immediately recognized me.

Kаsh N060. I appreciate Kane allowing me to see you. You were missed, dear.
I’m hаppу After all this time, I finally got to see him.

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