Grateful Kangaroo Offers Handshake After Three Men Rescue It from Freezing Lake

Helping animals in need is always heartwarming, even though it often goes unappreciated by the creatures themselves. They may not show gratitude in the way humans do, but there are moments when animals have their own unique way of saying “thank you.” A recent incident involving a kangaroo is a perfect example of this, where a simple gesture meant the world to those who helped him.

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As reported by Daily Mail Australia, a man named David Boyd noticed a kangaroo struggling in the freezing waters of Lake Burley Griffin, located in Canberra. The poor animal was stuck and couldn’t manage to get out of the icy lake by itself.

Without hesitation, two brave bystanders decided to act. They carefully waded into the freezing water, determined to rescue the distressed kangaroo. They approached the animal cautiously, making sure not to scare it further. However, as soon as they got close and attempted to grab its arms to guide it out, the frightened kangaroo began to thrash around, trying to defend itself.

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Despite the challenge, the men held firm and were able to secure the animal, carefully leading it out of the cold water. Once on dry land, a third individual stepped in to assist, helping calm the terrified and trembling kangaroo. Though these men were gentle, it’s important to remember that kangaroos, when threatened, can become dangerous. With powerful arms capable of throwing punches like a trained boxer, sharp claws, and a kick that could potentially cause serious injury, including disembowelment, handling them isn’t without risk.

Fortunately, in this case, the kangaroo seemed to understand that the men were there to help, not harm. In a truly touching moment, the animal extended its paw as though offering a handshake, a small but significant gesture of thanks.

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“Aww, he’s thanking you,” one of the men capturing the rescue on camera said, clearly moved by the kangaroo’s unexpected response.

According to Daily Mail Australia, the kangaroo was initially in a state of shock, needing about thirty minutes to fully calm down. However, as Courier Mail reported, after a bit of rest and recovery, the animal eventually hopped away, seemingly unharmed by the whole ordeal.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

This story serves as a reminder of the kindness people show toward animals and the small, special ways those animals sometimes express their gratitude in return.

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