I Was Abandoned By My Mother Since I Was Little Just Because I Was Born With A Different Color Fur From My Mother And Other Siblings


Wam has a multi-colored coat that stands out among his siblings. A unique furball in a homogeneous world, he was an outcast from the moment he opened his eyes. His mother, a loyal and protective being, tried to shelter him, but the harsh realities of the world intervened.

One cold night, a biting wind swept through the alley, carrying with it the scent of fear. Wam’s siblings were gone, leaving him alone in the cold, dark world. He was just a pup, his world limited to the warmth of his mother’s body and the comforting rhythm of her heartbeat. Now, he was alone, a tiny, shivering creature in a vast, indifferent world.

Today, a year had passed since that fateful night. A year of hunger, cold, and the relentless pursuit of survival. He wandered the streets, his small body a fragile silhouette against the urban landscape. People hurried past, their eyes fixed on their own world. He was invisible, a shadow in their bustling existence.

As the day wore on, the city began to hum with activity. People went about their lives, oblivious to the tiny creature struggling to survive. Wam found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The cold seeped into his bones, a constant reminder of his vulnerability. He curled up, his white fur blending with the shadows. It was his first birthday, a day marked by loneliness and despair.

He dreamed of a warm home, a soft bed, and the love of a human. But when he woke, the harsh reality of his existence would be waiting. His first birthday, a milestone for many, was for him a stark reminder of the life he’d been dealt, a life of solitude and survival.

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