China Zoo Sparks Controversy With Dyed “Panda Dogs”


A Chinese zoo has come under fire for displaying dyed Chow Chows as pandas. While the zoo maintains the dogs are well-cared for and the dye is harmless, critics argue the practice is misleading and potentially harmful to the animals.

Chinese Zoo Unveils Dyed “Panda Dogs”

A Chinese zoo in Jiangsu province has ignited a social media firestorm with its new exhibit featuring dyed Chow Chows resembling giant pandas.  Videos circulating online show the canines sporting black and white fur, complete with telltale wagging tails that expose the ruse.

Zoo officials, however, maintain they haven’t misled anyone. They insist they clearly labeled the exhibit “panda dogs” and that the Chow Chows, a fluffy dog breed native to China, haven’t been harmed by the dye.

Social Media Erupts Over “Panda Dogs”: Animal Welfare Concerns Surface

Despite these claims, the exhibit has drawn criticism for** misleading visitors** and potentially endangering animal welfare.  Commenters on Weibo, a popular Chinese social platform, expressed concern about the dye’s impact on the dogs’ sensitive skin, with one user stating, “Dyeing Chow Chows to attract tourists isn’t funny. Their thick fur makes them prone to skin diseases.”

This isn’t the first time China has faced controversy surrounding dyed “panda dogs.”  Similar incidents in 2019 and 2020 involved dog cafes and a viral video, raising animal rights concerns. Additionally, other Chinese zoos have been accused of presenting dyed dogs as wolves or African cats.

The trend of “fake” animals extends beyond canines. Last year, a zoo in Zhejiang province had to dispel rumors that its Malayan sun bears were humans in costumes after a video went viral showing one standing upright.

The “panda dog” exhibit highlights the need for transparency in zoos and responsible animal care. While zoos play a vital role in conservation and education, prioritizing gimmicks over animal welfare risks eroding public trust.

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