A Touching Story About A Man And His Great Dane Dog


A man named Ron Burgundy, who adopted a Great Dane named Zeus from a shelter, only to have the dog rescue him the very next day.

Heroic Great Dane Saves Owner from Suffocation

Ron, who has a number of health issues and struggles with walking, fell and hit his head, blocking his airway. Unable to breathe, he was quickly losing consciousness. However, his newly adopted Great Dane, Zeus, sprang into action, clearing Ron’s airway and helping him move to a chair.

Zeus is a two-year-old Great Dane who Ron adopted from the Dallas Animal Services shelter. Ron had only had Zeus for one day when the incident occurred.

Ron thanked Zeus, the four-legged Hero

Ron is incredibly grateful to Zeus for saving his life. He credits the dog with giving him a second chance. He said, “I owe him my life. If he hadn’t been there, I don’t know what would have happened.”

The shelter that Ron adopted Zeus from is also overjoyed to hear about the rescue. They believe that this story is a powerful reminder of the positive impact that adopting animals can have on both people and pets.

Shelter manager Leslie Wilkins said, “It’s just amazing to hear how Zeus was able to help Ron in such a critical situation. It’s a testament to the special bond that can form between humans and animals.”

This heartwarming tale is a testament to the strong bond that can form between humans and animals. It is also a reminder of the second chances that animals can give us. If you are considering adopting a pet, I encourage you to do so. You may just save a life.

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