Rescuers Rescued Puppies Shivering In The Cold


Every day, we hear warnings from various organizations about the growing threat to animal welfare and the overcrowding of shelters. Yet, heartless individuals continue to mistreat their pets, with abandonment being one of the most heartbreaking acts.

Three sick and abandoned puppies in Paterson from unconscionable breeding practices

Sadly, this problem can escalate even further, as evidenced by the case of puppy breeders prioritizing profit over the wellbeing of these sentient beings. This was the tragic situation encountered by a group of rescuers who found three shivering puppies outside a shelter in Paterson.

On March 22, 2024, the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge (RBARI), a rescue organization in Oakland, New Jersey, reported the urgent rescue of “sick puppies dumped outside Paterson shelter!” The tiny pups, believed to be a micro breed of Boston terriers, were approximately 8 weeks old and all male. They were in poor condition – cold, sickly, and malnourished, with no mother in sight.

Rescuers Rush Puppies to Medical Attention

Without delay, the rescuers rushed the puppies to the hospital, where the good news soon followed. “The three tiny micro-Boston pups abandoned outside in the cold are now stable and receiving the medical care that had been so neglected,” wrote the RBARI. The puppies, named Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, were suffering from an upper respiratory illness, likely a consequence of the unscrupulous practices of backyard breeders more concerned with profit than the animals’ wellbeing.

“In the world of backyard breeding, you can’t sell a sick dog,” the rescuers noted. This only strengthened their resolve to provide the puppies with the necessary medication, high-quality food, and abundant love to aid their recovery. Soon, the pups were released into a medical foster home, where they could continue their journey to health and happiness.

Tragedy Strikes: One of the puppies, Alvin, passed away

Tragically, the story took a heartbreaking turn when, shortly after, one of the puppies, Alvin, passed away. The rescuers revealed that Alvin had been born with a severe cleft palate, hydrocephalus, and other neurological issues – all the result of irresponsible breeding practices.

Though devastated, the RBARI shared Alvin’s story, not to elicit more sympathy, but to raise awareness and prevent similar tragedies in the future. The message is clear: the pursuit of profit at the expense of animal welfare is unacceptable. It is up to all of us to choose compassion over greed, and ensure that every life is cherished and protected.

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