Kristie Struggles To Reunite Her Puppy Beau After She Is Told He Is Euthanized


Every dog parent knows that losing your furry baby is utterly heartbreaking. The bond between a dog and its human is strong and irreplaceable, and when that bond is broken, the pain the owner feels is beyond words.

One dog mom, Kristie Pereira, felt this exact pain when she had to make the difficult decision to euthanize her puppy, Beau. However, she later learned that was not actually the case.

Kristie’s dog Beau was seriously ill and was advised by the veterinarian to be euthanized

Kristie adopted Beau, an adorable hound-mix puppy, from a shelter in Northern Virginia. After a few months, Kristie noticed Beau was behaving strangely, so she took him to the vet. The vet said Beau may have neurological issues and prescribed him medication.

When Beau’s condition did not improve, Kristie took him to the emergency vet, who also said Beau had major health problems. They advised expensive, invasive tests that likely wouldn’t help, so they recommended euthanasia. Devastated, Kristie made the heartbreaking decision to have Beau euthanized at the Montgomery County Animal Services.

Beau Deemed Treatable by Animal Services

However, unbeknownst to Kristie, the animal services determined Beau was treatable and adoptable after examining him. They opted to send him back to his original shelter in Northern Virginia instead of euthanizing him.

Kristie was shocked to discover her puppy was up for adoption after she was told he was dying

Months later, Kristie happened to see a Facebook post about a puppy up for adoption – and it was Beau! She was shocked and distraught, having believed she had already said goodbye to her beloved pup.

Montgomery County Animal Services explained they do not contact owners if they decide not to euthanize the animal, unless the owner calls them. They claimed Kristie had been told to choose the option that made her most comfortable. However, Kristie disputes this, saying she was told euthanasia was the best choice for Beau’s health issues.

Ultimately, the animal shelter has a strict policy not to return surrendered pets to their former owners, even in this unusual case. Kristie was left devastated, having lost her “little baby” Beau, only to learn he was still alive and up for adoption elsewhere.

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