Poor Chihuahua Lived In A Small Trailer With 40 Other Dogs Until Kind Rescuers Came To Help


The Houston Humane Society rescued over 40 dogs from a terrible hoarding case where they had all been living in a broken-down trailer amidst filth and trash. One of those dogs was a senior Chihuahua named Toothless.

Houston Rescue Saves Chihuahua from Hoarding Nightmare

Given the horrific living conditions and experiences these poor dogs had endured, it’s no surprise that Toothless was extremely feral and distrustful at the time of the rescue. However, that soon changed when a kind-hearted woman named Madeleine Cantrell decided to give him a chance and adopt him.

According to Madeleine, Toothless was constantly growling, barking, and even attempting to bite when people tried to handle him after arriving at the shelter. Madeleine, who had worked with the Houston shelter for a long time, couldn’t resist helping this dog after hearing his heartbreaking story.

“My coworker and I opened the kennel and we had a towel, so we placed it on him and he just froze. We discovered that he wasn’t really reacting out of aggression. It was more out of fear. He was very confused because he’s only known living in trash and disheveled furniture for his whole life,” Madeleine told GeoBeats Animals.

Chihuahuas Find Hope and Happiness After Horrible Hoarding Case

Despite Toothless’ initial negative reaction, Madeleine still wanted to foster him and give him a second chance. They discovered he was covered in fleas and had no teeth, so she decided to name him Toothless.

When Madeleine brought Toothless home, everything started to change. At first, he was running from her in fear and even tried to “gum” her a little, but the very next day he was a completely different dog. Madeleine could see that Toothless didn’t know what love looked like, but he quickly softened and started seeking affection.

A couple of days later, Madeleine officially adopted Toothless, and now they are inseparable. “He is one of the sweetest little dogs I’ve ever had, even though he may only let his guard down for me. Toothless has fallen in love with my other dog, Sunshine, and he loves to play with her and snuggle by her. I have honestly never been a chihuahua person before this, but he has made me have a soft spot for them,” Madeleine wrote in an Instagram post.

Today, Toothless is living his best life. He loves his mom and is very clingy and protective of her. He is still undergoing treatment for heartworm, but otherwise, he is a healthy and happy senior dog.

“Often people are so willing to overlook dogs like that. I just think that they are so grateful to their adoptive families and it’s gonna be the best love you will ever know,” Madeleine concluded.

Toothless’ story is a true example of how important it is to rescue dogs and give them a second chance, as it can quite literally change their lives forever.

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