Rescuers Were Shocked To See This Friendly Pup Who Was Tied To A Cage Her Whole Life


This long-standing bond between man and canine is one of the most important relationships in human history. Yet, despite this, there are still some who choose to abuse or neglect their dogs.

This is the heartbreaking story of one such pup named Harwell, who was recently rescued from horrific living conditions by the kind-hearted volunteers at Stray Rescue of St. Louis.

Rescuers found the puppy chained to the landfill

When the rescuer arrived at the location, she was shocked by what she saw. Harwell was tied to a cage, surrounded by piles of trash and garbage in what appeared to be some sort of makeshift yard. The poor pup looked terrified and emaciated, weighing a mere 18 pounds.

Despite his frightened demeanor, Harwell tentatively approached the rescuer after she offered him food. It was likely the first meal he had received in a long time. Seeing the trust and gratitude in Harwell’s eyes as he wagged his tail must have been a bittersweet moment for the rescuer.

The rescue of an abandoned and tied puppy in a landfill

She quickly untied the horribly-designed leash around Harwell’s neck and gently coaxed him into her car to bring him back to the shelter. There, the staff worked tirelessly to nurse him back to health and help him recover from the trauma he had endured.

While Harwell’s future is still uncertain, his rescuers are actively searching for a foster home where he can continue to heal and eventually find his forever family. It’s a heartwarming thought that this once-neglected pup will never have to suffer alone again.

Harwell’s story is a stark reminder that there is still much work to be done in addressing the issue of animal abuse and neglect. But it also showcases the power of compassion, as the volunteers at Stray Rescue of St. Louis went above and beyond to give this sweet dog a second chance at a happy life.

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