Couple Heartbroken When Cat Runs Away, 16 Years Later Discover He’s Been Found

Many people consider their pets as family members, much like their own children. For Jason and Liz McKenry, their first “child” was a beloved cat named Ritz, adopted when he was two years old. Sadly, Ritz disappeared over ten years ago, leaving a significant void in their lives.

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In 2006, the McHenrys did everything they could to find Ritz. “We spent months looking all around and talking to the shelters,” Jason McHenry shared with CBS News. “Anything we could think of, we tried.” Despite being microchipped, Ritz did not return, which made the situation even more challenging, as the chip should have helped reunite him with his family if found.

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Cats are known for their curiosity and dislike of closed doors. Owners must be vigilant when opening doors or windows, as cats might seize any opportunity to explore. This was the case for the McHenrys when Ritz unexpectedly darted out of their apartment one day and never returned. The emotional toll was significant, as the uncertainty of Ritz’s fate made closure impossible. The McHenrys never lost hope, keeping the “Lost” poster for Ritz saved on their computer. “It felt like if I deleted it, it never happened, and he’d be forgotten,” Mrs. McHenry explained. “And I couldn’t do that.”

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Ritz had been living as a stray all these years. A woman found him six miles from the McHenrys’ old apartment, injured and in poor condition. She took Ritz to a vet, where his microchip was scanned, revealing the McHenrys’ contact information. The vet reached out immediately, as Ritz’s condition was dire and he might have needed to be euthanized due to his injury and age.

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The McHenrys were astonished to receive a text message stating that a cat with Ritz’s microchip number had been found and was at a nearby vet. “I was like, ‘Well, that’s gotta be a mistake.’ I mean, I’m thinking they recycled the microchip number,” Jason McHenry told CBS News. But it was true—Ritz had been found after all these years.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Ritz now holds the record for the longest-missing pet reunited with its family thanks to a microchip. After 16 years, likely spent around a nearby trailer park, Ritz is back with his original owners. He has even made himself comfortable, choosing a favorite piece of furniture and being affectionate with the McHenrys’ children. The family believes that Ritz’s sweet nature indicates he might have been taken in and cared for as a house cat at some point during his absence. However, only Ritz knows the full story. For now, he is relishing the comfort and love of his first home.

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