Cat’s Instincts Kick In as Owner Becomes Pregnant

At least she got a free CAT scan.

A heavily pregnant woman was enjoying a bit of karaoke with her feet up when her curious cat decided to investigate her enlarged belly. The feline cautiously climbed onto her lap, fixated on her tummy.

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The adorable cat sniffed his mom’s belly before gently placing a paw on it. He then looked up at her with the softest expression, as if to say, “Yes! There’s a tiny human in there!” Realizing that a little human was on the way, he sat back, seemingly aware of the impending addition to the family.

The big question is, can cats sense pregnancy? Experts believe they can. Cats have exceptionally sharp noses and ears, enabling them to detect the tiny heartbeat. Additionally, hormonal changes in pregnant women produce more progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), causing an increase in body temperature. Cats love warmth, so don’t be surprised if they insist on cuddling more during pregnancy.

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Cats are intelligent and highly observant of routines and changes in behavior. They can notice differences in their owner’s actions and environment. Here’s a short story from a viewer:

“My sister has a cat that is usually the bitey type with everyone and doesn’t like to be touched. When she got pregnant, he became super affectionate and never bit her throughout the pregnancy. The day she gave birth, he went back to his old ways, but now he’s always loving and patient with my niece since she was a baby.”

Isn’t that incredible? That once cranky cat could be the next best babysitter. As pet owners, it’s important to continue giving your cat attention during pregnancy, maintaining the same level of care and affection.

Cats will appreciate the attention and often reward their owners with snuggles and even a sense of security. Ancient Egyptians held cats in high esteem, and for good reason. Of course, not all cats react the same way. Some might be indifferent to their owner’s pregnancy, but consider yourself lucky if your cat behaves like the one in the video, who was so gentle and full of love.

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A viewer named Edwin commented, “The cat can probably hear a second heartbeat. They have incredible ears. For example, they can hear a tiny fly even with the noise from a TV set masking it. Humans would only detect it from half a meter or so.”

While there’s no scientific proof that cats can sense pregnancy, all signs point toward them knowing there’s a baby inside.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Watch this cat repeatedly and observe how curious and gentle he is, slowly approaching and placing a paw on his mom’s belly. Why else would he be doing that? This cat is going to be a great sibling!

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