Someone Purposefully Amputated His Legs, Leaving Him To Endure Agonizing Suffering

This is the story of Prince, a young puppy who had his back paws chopped off by a heartless monster and was left to die in a flooded field in agony. It is also the story of how Prince was rescued, rehabilitated, and given a second chance at life by a kind-hearted individual who refused to give up on him.

I was walking my dog on a beach one day when a man approached me and said he had heard a dog crying but was afraid of dogs. We went together to the field where the crying was coming from, and there we found Prince, lying in a pool of water with two open wounds where his back paws had been. It was clear that someone had purposefully amputated his legs and left him to die in agony.

Without hesitation, I took Prince to the vet, where his wounds were stitched up, and he was given pain medication and antibiotics. Over the next few weeks, I nursed him back to health, feeding him, giving him medication, and providing him with a warm and comfortable place to sleep.

I wanted Prince to have a forever home with a loving family, but I was told by the vet and the shelter that it would not be an easy task as most people want a perfect dog. They suggested that I euthanize him as he could spend the rest of his life in a cage. But I couldn’t bear the thought of giving up on him.

So I took Prince home and set about trying to re-home him. We contacted the local news, who wrote a heartfelt article and made an adoption video of Prince’s story, but there was little interest. Prince was now a year older, and he had recovered from his horrific start in life. He was loved and a part of our family.

However, my family and I were faced with a dilemma. We had to return to England and could not imagine leaving Prince behind. If we left him, he would be caged for the rest of his life or put to sleep. For us to bring Prince home, he would need blood tests, vaccination boosters, vet checks, a microchip, export and import duties, and flights. The vet explained that it would cost in the region of £3000, which we could not afford to do alone.

Prince was also in need of a wheelchair. Although he managed on his two front legs, he got sores on his stumps, which needed constant care from infection. With the help of our friends and family, we were able to raise enough money to bring Prince home and provide him with the care he needed.

Since coming home, Prince has continued to amaze us. He learned to walk down stairs, enjoy walks outside, and even play with our other dogs. He is a happy, loving dog who deserves all the love and attention he can get. It is amazing to see how easily he forgave and how much love he had to give, even after suffering severe pain.

Prince’s story is a reminder that all dogs deserve a second chance at life, no matter what their circumstances. It takes a lot of time, patience, and love to rehabilitate an injured or neglected animal, but the reward is priceless. Prince has gone from a helpless, injured puppy to a happy, thriving dog, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of his journey. We hope his story inspires others to rescue and care for animals in need, and we thank everyone for their continued support.

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