A puppy that was abandoned and close to death was saved, and now spends his time aiding the prisoners in the penitentiary.

Rescuers discovered a pit bull mix outside in the woods on a pile of twigs and leaves; the poor thing was in terrible animal. She was shivering, badly starved, and thin, and would have perished if she hadn’t been rescued in time.

The World Animal Awareness Society’s rescue aim was to save this sad dog. One of the helpers, Cathy Gray, bent down and approached the dog. He offered her some sweets to show her he was willing to assist her.

As they went closer, they observed the sores and scabs all over his body, which were causing him a lot of discomfort. They also noticed that the adult dog’s teeth were growing, indicating that it was a puppy.

They then requested assistance from the Michigan Humane Society. They put a leash on the dog sitting there and let him give it to him without any issues. The dog was clearly relieved that he was finally being rescued.

He was returned to their facilities and examined. Her age was estimated to be around six months. He had internal parasites as well as a Demodectic secondary skin infection, which was treated successfully.

He just wanted to sleep at first because he was exhausted from the ordeal and everything he had gone through. He has subsequently come out of his shell while in their care and is a very personable and sweet puppy. Penelope was the name they chose for her.

He looked and felt considerably better a month later. She then joined Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan, a prison program that takes canines from shelters and animal control institutions and transports them to a prison to train with convicts.

Penelope is a dog that requires a lot of care, so they felt this program would be ideal for her.

Penelope was finally ready for three months of instruction at Florence Crane Lakeland Correctional Institution after five weeks of rehabilitation with Cathy. They learn fundamental instructions as well as a variety of tricks during the program. You will be eligible for adoption once you have completed the program!

Penny had done exceptionally well in the prison program, and it was time for her to find a permanent home. Luckily, that didn’t last long, and Penelope went in with her new family, the Falzones!

Their buddy sent them a video of Penny from Facebook, and the Falzones quickly fell in love! Not only that, but Penny’s best pal, Barkley, got adopted as well!

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