Pregnant Dog Severely Injured In Breeding Farm Fire Undergoes A Miraculous Transformation

Nellie’s life has never been easy. Before she even hit her rock bottom, she begged silently for the day someone would come and save her from the poor conditions she was living in.

In her entire life, this Samoyed girl was nothing but a breeding dog. Far away from what could even look like family, all she could do was dream of having one.

Sadly, when a fire broke out in the breeding house that day, she lost every hope.

Nellie’s Story Has Touched Many Hearts

Due to the horrific fire accident that occurred on the breeding farm, Nellie was forcibly moved to another place. But, she certainly wasn’t going to a better one!

As her breeder was injured in the fire, himself, he sold Nellie to a local meat processing facility. It was only a matter of time before this poor dog faced her inevitable end. But, then, things took an unexpected turn!

The facility owner contacted one of the local rescuers to ask if she would take Nellie in – and she didn’t think twice! Even though she was severely wounded in the fire and looked nothing like her old self, the woman embraced Nellie with an open heart.

Then came a long healing process for this sweet girl! And with it – another surprise!

During her recovery, the woman discovered that Nellie was carrying a litter. She was only days away from becoming a mom to four or five pups (according to a scan).

She was simultaneously preparing herself to deliver the babies and receive treatment. But, not even once did this amazing girl lose her hope.

Eventually, Nellie had her burned coat shaved and she embarked on a healing journey, all thanks to caring people who wouldn’t give up on her.

A few days later, she brought eight healthy babies into this world, making everyone at the vet station really emotional. Given her condition, the rescuers couldn’t contain their happiness when they saw how good of a mom Nellie was.

Over time, she completely healed, revealing her true beauty. Everyone was extremely surprised by the fact that Nellie, indeed, was one fashionable dog!

Underneath all those scars and wounds, her captivating smile and fabulous coat surfaced as her new trademark. And, now, she was finally ready for a fresh start.

Miraculous Ending

Thanks to the kind people at Rushton Dog Rescue at Freedom, and their founder, Cindi Mcneil Regan, Nellie got a brand-new life.

She and her puppies went to beautiful families and started new life adventures, far away from that breeding farm. And, certainly far away from all the trauma from the past!

She’s now enjoying a loving home with her new sibling, Bonnie, and hoomans who love her endlessly. Even though she still has a scar from the fire on her face, she looks hauntingly cute and is now fully recovered.

With every new day, Nellie is one step further from her old life. And, now, all she thinks about is creating new memories and having tons of fun with her family.

After all she’s been through, she sure deserves it!

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