What She Does Causes The Internet To Boil With Rage

Small children have the ability to behave badly when they don’t get their own way. They often scream, cry, say dumb words yes and sometimes they can even destroy things. But this behavior is confined to our childhood — or so we’d hope.

By the time we reach our more mature years we should have learned that this behavior is not acceptable.

Unfortunately this isn’t always the case. One woman in South Carolina took the break up with her boyfriend so hard she decided to punish him. The target of her punishment was an innocent dog.

What she did was so cruel that it brought me to tears reading about this poor dog.

When the woman, Elizabeth Lena James, from Laurens County, South Carolina, broke up with her boyfriend she didn’t take the break up so well.

Her ex-boyfriend left his Mastiff mix dog with her so to get back at her boyfriend she decided to punish the dog.

She stopped giving the poor dog food and water, and it did not take long before this sweet hound was just skin and bones.

What was even worse was James continued to care for and feed her own dogs while her boyfriend’s dog Champ was starved.

Champ, was found by Animal Control officers in August after a passerby noticed him.

The woman accused of nearly killing Champ with starvation was arrested and Elizabeth James was charged with animal cruelty by Animal Control in Laurens, South Carolina, reports ABC 8 .

“Inhumane treatment of animals will not be tolerated on my watch” Sheriff Don Reynolds, according to a report from the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office. “No animal should have to go without food and water”.

When the poor dog, Champ, was rescued, he was barely alive, and he didn’t even weigh half of what he should have weighed. He was weak and covered in maggots, even in his mouth.

The charity organization Rescue Dogs Rock NYC immediately came to Champ’s rescue and set up a fundraiser to pay for the cost of his care. More than 400 people donated almost $11,500 for this sweet dog.

And the animal heroes really did a great job. Week by week you could see what incredible progress Champ was making.

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC co-founder Jacquelyn O’Sullivan, wrote on Facebook: “One week in, he is doing better. He is starting physical therapy and his red blood cells are finally starting to regenerate on their own,” O’Sullivan said, as reported by People .

Slowly but surely, the poor dog Champ returned to health after weeks of torture. When he was strong enough to leave the organization, an adoptive family was ready to give him a loving home.

A Facebook post, published on October 12, announced that Champ would finally go to his new home. And he would never have to suffer the same nightmare again.

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