They rescued the dog who gave birth on the sidewalk and cared for her puppies till she passed away !

After the owner abandoned her after discovering she was unintentionally pregnant, the dog that gave birth to its puppies on the sidewalk had to face the worst of reality.

The owner left her in his car and drove miles away from her residence, leaving her in a place she could not return to, with no intention of taking responsibility or providing her with the necessary care.

The dog was on the brink of death as she tried to give birth to save her pups! 🙁

Unfortunately, there are many dogs that have to live this situation in the hands of irresponsible owners who end up throwing them away as if it were an old piece of furniture.

The days passed, and the brave mother did everything she could to survive, pregnant and living on the street, her health deteriorating with the days.

Many were indifferent to her tragedy, only a good Samaritan offered her help.

After trying to carry her pregnancy to term; she managed to give birth lying in a cardboard box. Almost unconscious, the mother used what little strength she had to protect her cubs.

The brave mother gave birth to six cubs but sadly two of them did not survive!

In the midst of her tragedy she tried to keep the rest of the litter warm and fed, but she was too tired to fight all alone, with no one by her side! 🙁

No animal should suffer the folly of man.

Only when a passer-by took pity on him and called a woman who lived nearby and started helping the poor animals, only then could the mother calm down a bit.

However, it was not easy to gain her mother’s trust, at first she did not allow anyone to approach her, much less her young; if they tried to get closer, he would attack them, understandably, eliminating his protective instinct.

Check out her transformation in this video and help us expand that story to raise awareness!

Finally the dog realized that no one would harm her or her babies, she calmed down and accepted the help of her rescuers.

They were quickly transferred to a veterinary clinic where they received the necessary medical care, the mother was very weak but would be able to recover if she received treatment. Puppies had to spend the next 48 hours observing to determine if they will survive or not.

All animal lovers must unite against the unjust treatment of innocent small animals!!!

Amazingly, the remaining four puppies have survived and are gaining weight every day thanks to the fact that their mother is well fed and can provide them with all the milk they need.

The dog must follow a special diet, it is essential that he consumes all the nutrients in order to progress and achieve absolute recovery after a traumatic experience due to her owner.

The family is happy, soon they will be given up for adoption.

Thanks to the generosity of passers-by and the amazing work of her savior, the whole furry family is healthy.

 However, we are saddened to know that there are little dogs that must put up with the worst treatment.

How is it possible that people don’t have compassion for dogs that have lives within them? What they did to this mother has no name. And we hope this story will touch hearts and raise awareness!

Please, let’s raise our voices and speak out in favor of those little dogs that silently suffer mistreatment at the hands of unscrupulous beings.

The vocation to save animals is truly admirable, do not criticize or underestimate those who provide shelter for an abandoned animal. Better follow his example and help him transform the concept that many have of stray dogs.

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