Bengal Cat Returns Home After Ten Long Weeks Missing

The month of February brought about indescribable pain and grief for two Swinton, Manchester, locals who suffered the loss of both of their beloved kitties on the very same day.

On the evening of February seventh, Ann Jones opened the door of her home to receive the most devastating news: her beautiful, one-and-a-half-year-old Bengal kitty, Fleur, had been hit by a passing motor vehicle and killed.

“We got a knock on the door with the worse news any cat or pet owner could receive. Our beautiful, unique Fleur had been hit and killed on the road right outside our house. As a family, we were completely heartbroken, distraught, and inconsolable.” – Katie Jones

To Jones’ dismay, the driver did not stop to attempt resuscitation; though, by all accounts, Fleur passed quickly and without suffering. Still, this news wrecked the lives of both Ann Jones and her daughter, Katie, who shared custody of sweet Fleur. The pair went off to bed, doing their best to get a decent night’s sleep.

The following day, however, the Joneses discovered what they thought was impossible: that, despite the current tragedy, the grief they felt could continue to deepen. This happened when the pair realized that Fleur’s sibling, Finn, a male Bengal of the same age, had gone missing.

The mother-daughter pair searched tirelessly for their missing baby, trolling every inch of their own home and neighborhood. But regardless of their efforts, Finn was nowhere to be found. The sadness felt by both women was indescribable.

“I’m heartbroken… It’s bad enough to have lost one cat, but the thought of losing another is horrible,” says owner Ann Jones, “I can’t stop thinking about why has he gone missing on the same day (as Fleur)?”

The pair set their grief to the side and immediately went to work spreading the word about Finn’s disappearance. They printed and hung flyers, knocked on doors, and reached out to every local vet clinic and rescue center. They hoped that a Good Samaritan might bring him in to have his microchip scanned.

“Since that point, I contacted all the local vets, his microchip company, posted hundreds of flyers and posters hoping against hope he would be found.” – Katie Jones

Perhaps the pair’s most effective method of spreading the news about Finn’s disappearance was to take his story to social media. Katie, Finn’s second owner, posted relentlessly to multiple social media outlets.

She was determined to tell the world about Finn, both on her own social pages and on every available missing pet website in the Swinton area and beyond.

The pair searched tirelessly for Finn for ten long weeks, but he was seemingly nowhere to be found. Just as all hope was to be surrendered, Katie made one last-ditch effort to find her beloved boy and posted his story on Facebook for what felt like the millionth time.

Just when the pair had given up hope, they received a phone call. It was Easter weekend, and though the couple didn’t feel very joyful on this particular holiday, their attitudes changed instantly when the phone began to ring.

On the other end of the line was a staff member from Purton Vets in Swinton who shared the unbelievable news; after ten long, unbearable weeks, Finn had been FOUND.

The pair immediately rushed over to the veterinary hospital to reunite with their sweet boy, an occasion which Katie has since called their “Easter miracle.”

Finn was brought into the clinic by a Swinton couple who lived over six miles from the Jones’ countryside home. The couple explained that Finn had been frequenting their garden since late January and appeared to be in good health at the time of his rescue.

The Jones family expresses hope that Finn’s story will be remembered as a tale of hope and resilience:

“If there is anything to take away from Finn’s story, it’s to never give up hope. Keep sharing, stay resilient, and know that there is always hope. Finn says he ‘doesn’t know what the fuss is all about, but (that) he’s super tired and wondering where his dinner is?’”

Welcome home, Finn! We are so happy to hear that you have been reunited with your family and wish you all the best.


Featured Image: Facebook

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