Meet Luna, a real-life canine castaway that was reunited with her proprietor after being lost at sea for an entire 5 weeks!

The German shepherd x husky mix went lost off the coast of San Diego, California, after falling from a fishing boat with her owner Nick Haworth.

After reporting Luna’s disappearance, Nick and a navy team spent days searching for her in the St. Clemente Island region, but they were unsuccessful.

Luna, on the other hand, was said to have drowned.

5 weeks later, workers at the Naval Accessory Landing Field on St. Clemente Island noticed a dog on the side of the road as they arrived for work.

This didn’t seem right because no domestic animals were allowed on the island; yet, it turned out that this was no ordinary stray; it was Luna!

“She was simply sitting there wagging her tail,” Sandy DeMunnik, a Navy public events police officer, said.

Luna seems to have made it to the coast and had been subsisting on rats and dead fish until she was rescued.
Luna was healthy and unharmed, although being a bit underweight.

Luna was flown right to Colorado where Luna will certainly be collected by her human Nick’s friend who will certainly take care of her till Nick is back from his journeys.

Luna was even given a new dog tag from the Navy, it reads ‘For Luna, keep the faith.’

Check out the whole video below:

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