The adults did not risk themselves, but this boy was not afraid and helped the dog by entering the ditch

Alexander, a 12-year-old kid, committed a very heroic act. He retrieved the dog from the gutter, where the infant was about to drown.

In the rain, the puppy’s mother gave birth to her cub under the shelter. However, a big storm once swept one dog into the ditch, but the small one was fortunate since Sasha was passing by at the moment.

The ditch was too narrow, and the child hurt his arm as a result. Passers-by who witnessed this behavior rushed to the ambulance. Sasha’s performance did not go unnoticed.

The hero’s renown grew, and he became highly popular across his community. The residents are ecstatic that such a brave youngster is growing up in their community.

The kid received the Courage Award from the Youth Center. And we are grateful that such youngsters exist in our world, as it indicates that there is immense potential for a bright future. We also want to thank Sasha’s parents, who were able to inculcate dignity, commitment, and a passion for animals in their son from a young age.

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