Dogs Help Toddler Escape Her Room So She Can Give Them Snacks

The renowned “Cheese Patrol” is made up of two Golden Retriever brothers named Bleu and Colby. After a video with over 13 million views showed them pursuing their meal like dogs, they were propelled into the public eye. They can now be seen breaking into the jail (in the video below) to get their accomplice, 15-month-old Chloe, to bring back some early morning treats for them.

Credit: Cheese Pups

Chloe and her animals get along great. She seems to eat more freely than her mother and father, which endows her with a lot of attractiveness. Dad Chris is quoted as saying, “Colby parks himself under Chloe’s high chair every night.”

Credit: Cheese Pups

To our dismay, she picks kibble out of their food bin now that she is tall enough to reach it. Breakfast time usually involved rounds of barking outside the door of mom and dad, but when that didn’t work, the dogs started enlisting Chloe’s assistance.

They gently opened Chloe’s door while licking and jolting her to consciousness. The pups gently guide mama in the direction of the rewards, and she is more than happy to comply. Chloe’s mother was puzzled to find her wandering the corridors early in the morning because she wasn’t old enough to unlock her bedroom door yet.

She set up a security camera to record what was happening. The jailbreak is really impressive in terms of collaboration and cleverness.

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