PHOTOS. A kind boy who is eleven years old bathes unsheltered dogs every Saturdays to rise their opportunity to be adopted

A bօy frօm Brаziliа dօes а very impօrtаոt thiոg tօ mаke peօple аdօpt dօgs.

He bathes dirty stray dogs every Saturday.

The purpose of bathing the unsheltered animals is to increase the opportunity for adoption. The name of the boy is Thaig.

He is only 11 years old. He launches a project titled “I’m homeless, but I’m clean.”

He even works for a government agency that processes meat for stray dogs. He began working on this project in 2020.

The boy’s father also assists him in taking images of these stray dogs. He does this to inform others about these creatures so that they would be adopted very soon.

The boy is a vegetarian because he cannot imagine how certain animals grow in order to be eaten.

The boy by is a real-life illustration of a kid. He can serve as an example for many others.
We can change the life of unsheltered animals by doing tiny things. The by has already bathed 47 uոsheltered dogs.

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