Stray Dog Cuddles Up To Old Teddy Bear Until Someone Rescues Him

The stray dog didn’t have a home or a family, but he did have a cuddly teddy bear that he cuddled to feel better.

Last week, Kourtnee Blount, a self-employed dog rescuer, was driving through a Montgomery, Texas, neighborhood when she spotted the dog curled up with the teddy bear on the grass between two homes.

“As I turned the corner, I saw him lying there with the bear,” Blount recalled to The Dodo. Since there was a lot of other trash around him, “I presume he got it from someone’s garbage.”

It broke my heart, Blount continued. It was painful to see.

Blount initially believed the dog belonged to someone because many residents in that area allowed their pets to run free. She asked around, but no one seems to have claimed him, and several people claimed to have seen the dog for a month.

Blount begged for assistance on Facebook by posting pictures of the dog with his teddy bear, and another independent rescuer named Destiny Swatzel offered. Swatzel thought she was too late when she went to get Teddy, the puppy whose rescuers had summoned him.

“I went hunting for him on Monday and spotted him laying in the middle of the road,” Swatzel told The Dodo. I entered a state of fear because I genuinely thought he had passed away.

Teddy lifted his head when Swatzel approached him after getting out of her car, which caused Swatzel to sigh with relief.

“I whistled for him to come to me,” Swatzel said. He approached me calmly and let me to attach a leash on him.

Swatzel had a look at the teddy bear as well, but decided against taking it because it had just rained and was now moist and moldy. On the other side, Teddy the dog no longer needed his teddy because he was being cared for by people.

Swatzel promptly looked for a microchip in Teddy but couldn’t find one. He was also devoid of a collar or any other markings that would have indicated a former owner.

Swatzel alleged that the man vomited up chicken bones, pieces of plastic, stones, and leaves in the automobile. He had undoubtedly been making a living on the streets.

Teddy was returned to Swatzel’s home, where she fed him, gave him a bath, and allowed him to play with her other rescue dogs. Later that day, Teddy and fellow rescuer Mary St. Dizier went to what was supposed to be his foster home, but it ended up becoming his lifelong home.

St. Dizier was enthralled by Teddy the instant she set eyes on him. I cried,” St. Dizier said. He was staying with me, I knew.

Teddy, who has been renamed Blue, enjoys playing with his new dog brother, Bear, and cat sister, Patches. He also enjoys visiting the dog park and receiving belly massages while lounging on the sofa.

“He’s doing fantastic,” St. Dizier stated. “He’s a nice, well-mannered dog. He’s a cute little baby.”

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