The dog clings to the shores of Lake Lytham after bеing cаught in thе wаtеr аt night

 Rescuers rescued a dog from a lake near Lytham after it had been stuck in water overnight. It was observed this morning (March 25) that a German Shepherd dog was hanging from the Fairhaven Lake banks. Members of the public assisted in the rescue of the dog. The dog is now safe and has been handed over to the local RSPCA. Lancashire Police, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, and members of the public have assisted in rescuing the dog.

According to the police, they will also investigate the area near the lake in an attempt to find the dog’s owner. They have issued an information request for the dog’s owner. The Veterinary Health Centre is caring for the dog, and the owner will be required to provide documentation that the dog belongs to them.

According to a spokeswoman for Fylde Police, the Fylde Police are aware of the incident circulating on social media today regarding a dog (German Shepherd) stuck in the water at Fairhaven Lake all night.

In addition to our colleagues from Lancs Fire & Rescue, other members of the public also saved the dog, which was an outstanding achievement. Currently, the dog is in safe and sound care of the local RSPCA. CCTV searches will be conducted around the lake to determine whether the dog’s owner can be located.

“Could you please let me know if you were nearby? Did you notice anything unusual? Is this your dog? If so, please report this incident online or by calling 101 with log number 0243. Thank you very much.”

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