Meet the Couple Who Can’t Resist Adopting 3-Legged Dogs

When Breanna Sarver decided she wanted a dog, she started searching online for a fit, energetic golden retriever. Though Casey was born with three legs, she believed he was intended to be her dog because the two of them got along so well.

As soon as Sarver saw Casey’s picture, she drove the two hours to pick her up and give her a proper family greeting. Sarver and Casey were inseparable from the moment they met and started working together. Casey never shown any odd behavior; she was just happy to live with her mother and best friend.

Everyone who has ever met her has said that the greatest word to describe her is “happy,” Sarver told The Dodo. She was always grinning. Every day, she travels in the van with me to work. She enjoys making new friends, saying goodbye to me at the end of the day when I go home, and picking out her favorite toy at Petco. She was really loyal and nice. For more than a year, she was my right hand, and I never left the house without her.

Sarver and her partner opted to adopt Harper, a shepherd-mix because of Casey’s beauty and their desire to help those like her. After moving in together, everything was going well for Harper and Casey, but a month later, tragedy struck.

Harper was taken in not long after Casey tragically died in an accident. Her mother wasn’t sure how to react in such a dire situation, and her parents were in disbelief. Sarver called the woman from whom she had adopted Casey two days after Casey passed away to convey the heartbreaking news. The mother wasn’t wholly upset despite the fact that Casey’s brother, who was born with just three legs, was looking for a home.

As Sarver asserts, “I never thought I’d be able to accept another dog into the family for quite a while after Casey’s heartbreaking loss.” But sometimes fate does incredible things.

Chance was embraced into the family the moment Sarver picked him up, four days after Casey passed away.

It was among the finest decisions I could have ever made, according to Sarver. I was hurting, yet “He comforted me in ways I could never have imagined.”

As Casey got older, Sarver was astounded by how much he resembled Chance. They were similar in terms of temperament, outward appearance, smiles, and little idiosyncrasies. After adopting Chance, Casey appeared to have never left and was now constantly present in Chance’s life.

“Sometimes I forget that they aren’t the same dog,” Sarver said. I think her soul is still with us via Chance, but it would be impossible for anybody else to comprehend.

Chance and the other three-legged dogs ultimately accepted a blind puppy named Oakley into their pack after aiding Sarver in coping with her sadness over Casey’s demise. When the couple adopted Oakley, they began referring to their dogs as the “tripawd squad.”

Even if it comes easily to the duo, occasionally people ponder how they are able to have so many three-legged animals. It is just their family to them.

Sarver asserts that, contrary to popular belief, people do not struggle nearly as much with three-legged canines. They are excellent in running, swimming, jumping, and playing. I can only draw the conclusion that they burn out much more quickly than four-legged dogs. Hoping allows them to transport larger things while using fewer legs, although it is more labor-intensive than walking. We need to be careful not to overwork them since we want to take them on holiday.

The spouse must constantly monitor the weight of the animals to avoid putting unnecessary strain on their joints. They maintain themselves healthy and active and often take joint supplements to help avoid future joint issues.

The tripawd squad’s three dogs appear to genuinely care for one another and understand that they are all in this together. When one of them is unwell and the other two rush to his side, the three of them take care of one another in ways that frequently amaze their parents.

Chance knew Oakley was blind before we did, Sarver said, “when we brought Oakley home.” Harper was unable to obtain any of Chance’s sticks because of his fixation with them. In order to prevent the kid from losing the stick and to provide him with something to gnaw on, Oakley would be waiting as the kid passed.

When Sarver and her partner first met Casey, they had no intention of adopting three-legged dogs, but they have now changed their thoughts after seeing the love and joy that these animals can provide. They are thrilled to see Willow, a puppy, join the group as the fourth member as a way to memorialize Casey.

These tripods are beautiful, in Sarver’s perspective, since they never regret their limits or differences and are constantly thankful to be alive.

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