The car has the keys in the ignition and also has a lot of good parts though the car is visibly in rough shape with the interior out of place and sunken somewhat into the ground. Around this Plymouth are some additional motorcycles parked outside.
Parked deeper in the woods sits an old school bus next to a Ford Falcon station wagon. Like the Plymouths, the Falcon and the bus appear to have been sitting in the woods for a long period of time.
Once leaving, he comments that he loves picking and checking out cars that are available for rescue. He plans to reach out to the owner to ask about the available Satellites on the property with the intention of saving the cars and at the very least, using them for parts.
Brad also says that he would love to explore any properties that have abandoned cars sitting on them and if you have one that you own or are aware of, you can reach out to his email in the description of the YouTube video