Touching Moment The Dog That Was Once Seriously Injured Now Constantly Hugs His Father


Pets crave the affection and care of their owners. However, for this Border Collie, being touched was once just a distant dream.

Kong Faces Abuse and Neglect

The dog, previously known as Kong, had a difficult start in life. He spent a year in a shelter in Claremore, Oklahoma, living in abusive conditions. When the staff at Border Collie Rescue & Rehab (Texas) found him, he was in a devastating state – most of his fur had fallen out and his skin was severely sunburned. Despite his serious skin condition, Kong remained unfazed by human touch.

After being rescued and rehabilitated for several months, Kong was given the ID number #387 on the Border Collie Rescue & Rehab website, waiting for his forever home.

Curtis fell in love with Kong at first sight despite the injuries on this dog’s body

Fate, however, works in mysterious ways. Curtis Hartsell fell head over heels for the smiling white puppy, even without needing to know his name. The man followed his heart and submitted an adoption application, despite concerns that his busy schedule might not allow him to properly care for the dog.

As Hartsell recalls, “I immediately fell in love with his single picture and the description they put on the page after looking through his profile. When I briefly explained my life to his foster mother, she said we sounded like the perfect match for each other, and she went on to describe his temperament and personality.”

Kong, whose new name is ZIB, welcomes life with the warm love of his new father, Curtis Hartsell

After a rigorous screening process of interviews and home visits, the day they could finally meet arrived – an emotional occasion. Kong’s new owner wanted a fresh start, so he renamed him ZIB.

Hartsell felt like he and ZIB had known each other before when he first saw the dog. Those who witnessed ZIB enthusiastically hugging his new dad were moved to tears.

“I knelt down in front of him, introduced myself, and asked if he wanted to follow me home,” Hartsell recounted. “I’m going to refer to you as ZIB. Are you fond of that? ZIB, how about taking me home with you? He sat in front of me, gazed into my eyes, gave me a hug, and lowered his head. I will always remember that wonderful moment.”

“I feel so much happier and fulfilled that words just cannot express how I feel. It’s wonderful to know that this poor puppy was once abandoned and that all he needed was love, which I get to give him every day now,” the man continued.

We are overjoyed for ZIB, the pup who was once in so much pain that he couldn’t bear to be touched, and now he eagerly seeks attention and cuddles from his new forever dad.

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