The Dog’s Desperate Struggle To Survive When Trapped Under The Barn


Previously saved from a life on the streets, the pregnant dog named Pumpkin found herself in peril once again when she became trapped beneath a shed at the Hawkins County Humane Society. In a harrowing turn of events, the expectant mother had crawled under the tight opening of the storage structure, only to become hopelessly stuck inside.

Shelter Worker Discovers Pumpkin’s Plight

As shelter employee Kennedy Margetjak recounts, “I open the back door and call for her, and her head pops out from underneath! Even though she refused to come for treats, I sensed something was wrong.” Margetjak’s heart sank as she discovered Pumpkin’s expectant form jammed beneath the shed, the dog desperately struggling to free herself but to no avail.

Shelter workers work to rescue pregnant dog

The initial attempts by the staff to gently tug Pumpkin to safety proved futile, as her advanced pregnancy made it too risky to attempt a simple extraction. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the shelter called upon their handyman, Joey Arnold, who was able to successfully free Pumpkin using a jack.

Thankfully, Pumpkin emerged from her ordeal unscathed, much to the great relief of the shelter staff. The primary focus now is to find Pumpkin a loving forever home that can provide a secure environment for her to give birth and care for her impending litter of puppies. The shelter team is grateful that Pumpkin and her unborn pups are in capable hands and can look forward to a brighter future.

This harrowing incident serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability and unique challenges faced by expectant mothers, both human and canine alike. It underscores the vital importance of vigilance, resourcefulness, and compassion in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all living creatures.

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