The Paralyzed Dog, Unable To Move, Was Rescued And Recovered Quickly


Paralyzed dog Eva’s desperate plea for help

This poor dog named Eva may have had ehrlichiosis because she was paralyzed and couldn’t move her hind legs. Eva begged for help but no one was willing to help her.

“I simply approached her quietly, helped her into the car, and then drove home. The next day, I would take Eva to the veterinarian for a full blood workup.”

The dog fights the pain and hopes to recover

Eva was feeling well and eating properly. That day, we had an appointment to see a specialist. After a thorough blood test, the doctor determined she was free of ehrlichiosis and heartworm. How could she not move her legs if she was merely anemic?

Sadly, the doctor had some bad news. The day prior, we had taken Eva for X-rays, and the technician found two damaged vertebrae that were causing her significant pain and paralysis in both legs. As the veterinarian stated, “Whether by a person or a car, the injury was inflicted. The orthopedic surgeon would then determine if she was a good candidate for surgery.”

Large doses of pain medication were given to Eva daily in an effort to improve her mood. She was recovering well and making progress. Three weeks prior, she could barely move as she was barely alive. But now she was gaining enough strength in her hind legs to stand like a cane.

Despite knowing she had a long road to recovery, Eva never gave up. She received daily massages, three days of electrical stimulation, and daily water therapy. In a very short time, Eva made fantastic progress in her therapy and recovery. Her hind legs were growing stronger and more responsive. She was even able to straighten and hold her front legs upright, as they were no longer rigid.

“Eva never gave up and showed what an incredible warrior she was. We learned so much from her,” the group said.

Home, family and endless fun for resilient dog Eva

The previous day, Eva had undergone plasma therapy and was receiving weekly injections, both of which seemed to be helping. That day, she was able to stand for longer periods, take a few steps, and generally felt better.

I had considered ordering a wheelchair for Eva a few days prior, but decided against it as she was walking more each day, which made me incredibly happy. She would hurry and leap, savoring those peaceful moments as she had never experienced the water before. Seeing Eva smile filled me with joy.

She has finally found the home and family she deserves. She gained citizenship, received respect, and had unlimited freedom.

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