Found A Scared Dog Abandoned By Its Owner Deep In The Forest And A Memorable Rescue


Found an abandoned dog in the deep forest

In the heart of San Diego’s Cleveland National Forest, a poor dog named Trekker found herself in a dire situation. For over two weeks, she had been cruelly abandoned by her owner, left to fend for herself in the vast, unforgiving wilderness. Scared, hungry, and ever-vigilant for threats like mountain lions and coyotes, Trekker had almost resigned herself to her grim fate.

But destiny had other plans. A woman walking through the woods spotted Trekker from a distance, initially mistaking her for a wild animal. Upon closer inspection, the woman realized this was no wild beast, but a domestic dog in desperate need of help. Positioned on the slope of a path, Trekker was too scared and insecure to be approached, let alone rescued.

Undeterred, the kind-hearted woman decided to set up a feeding station nearby, hoping that the frightened dog would eventually venture out and eat. Her gamble paid off, as the famished Trekker gratefully accepted the first meal she had likely had in days.

A woman with a kind heart rescues a poor dog

The woman then contacted Suzette Hall, the founder and rescuer of Logan’s Legacy in Irvine, California. Without hesitation, Hall rushed to the scene, driving down a remote, one-lane road deep into the forest, where cell phone reception was nonexistent. Her sole focus was on reaching Trekker and ensuring her safety.

“I couldn’t stop thinking how scared she was and how hungry she was,” Hall recalled. “I honestly can’t even describe how deep in the forest she was.”

Upon arrival, Hall set up a humane trap, hoping Trekker would venture inside. However, the fearful dog refused to budge. For two days, they tried to lure her in, to no avail. But on the third morning, their patience was rewarded.

“She was wagging her tail, as if she was trying to say how glad she was to finally be safe!” Hall described, after finding Trekker lovingly nestled inside the trap.

Hall then transported Trekker to a local shelter, where a microchip revealed the heartbreaking truth – Trekker had been adopted just days before her abandonment, only to be cruelly dumped in the wilderness. Fortunately, Hall had a plan in place to ensure Trekker’s future.

“She Is A Miracle, A Survivor, And She Is Rescued”

After a veterinary checkup, Trekker was placed in the care of a loving foster home, where she quickly blossomed. With the support of her foster family, the once-fearful dog transformed into a joyful companion, eagerly awaiting her forever home.

“She is a miracle, a survivor, and she is rescued,” Hall wrote proudly on social media.

Dog finds his forever home

Just a few weeks later, Trekker’s long-awaited happy ending arrived. She was adopted by a wonderful family, who welcomed her with open arms, including a new canine sibling. The once-abandoned dog was finally in a safe, loving environment, her smile beaming with happiness.

“She has found perfect love, a perfect family. She will be loved and cherished. I am just happy for her. She deserves all the love and happiness in the world. We will love you forever sweetheart,” Hall wrote on her Facebook page.

Trekker’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, the kindness of strangers, and the transformative power of a loving home. After enduring the unimaginable, she has emerged as the happiest pup, ready to embrace a future filled with unconditional love and security. We wish Trekker a long, joyful life with her new family, a second chance that she so rightly deserves.

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