Stray Puppy Who Had Health Problems Finally Got A Surgery That Gave Him A New Chance


Rescuing animals in need is a daily occurrence for the team at Saving Hope Rescue (SHR), an animal rescue organization based in Fort Worth, Texas. They comb the streets of their city, searching for furry friends in desperate need of help and a loving touch. While they typically stay within the Fort Worth area for their rescue efforts, one particular case compelled them to venture farther afield.

Rescue an abandoned dog in a cardboard box

After seeing photos of a dog living in a cardboard box, the SHR team sprang into action. The drive to the dog’s location was long, spanning 8 hours, but the determined rescuers were committed to ensuring the adorable pup would be sleeping in a warm bed that night. “We had this sweet girl transported to the DFW area, having just seen a picture of her in a cardboard box,” the rescue team wrote on Facebook.

When the volunteers arrived at the location, they carefully coaxed the pup, later named Ridley, into their vehicle and took her to the SHR clinic, where she was welcomed with open arms, delicious treats, and plenty of affectionate kisses.

Unfortunate news: The dog is seriously ill

At just 3 months old, Ridley was a happy, intelligent, and playful puppy. However, a thorough medical examination revealed a serious heart defect that would require specialized treatment. “We discovered she had a serious heart defect. It could only be fixed with a balloon valvuloplasty procedure at Texas A&M,” SHR shared.

While Ridley waited for the necessary approval for her life-saving surgery, she was taken in by a loving foster family who allowed her to decompress and experience what it truly meant to be a puppy. Ridley’s foster parents described her as a “tiny, playful 3-month-old puppy who loves big dogs and all humans. She’s very smart and quick to learn … She’s a spunky little girl with lots of love to give!”

The Fort Worth shelter worked tirelessly to secure the funds for Ridley’s heart procedure, all the while observing her thrive in the warmth of her foster home. Despite the heart condition that remained a concern, seeing her happy and playful reassured the rescue team that she was a true fighter.

A new happy life for the resilient dog

After months of anticipation, the day of Ridley’s life-saving surgery finally arrived. To the relief of the SHR team, the procedure was a complete success, and Ridley powered through without any complications. “With this surgery, it will be a complete fix, and she gets to live a FULL life,” the rescue organization exclaimed on Facebook.

Now in the recovery phase, Ridley is back at her foster home, regaling her canine companions with tales of her brave exploits. The rescue team is confident that once she has fully healed, Ridley will have no trouble finding a loving forever home that is worthy of her incredible spirit.

“She’s the perfect little pittie girl …” Erin O’Brien, Ridley’s foster mom, proudly wrote in a Facebook comment.

Witnessing a once-stray puppy thrive and embrace a life filled with love and happiness is a truly heartwarming experience. This remarkable transformation would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the Saving Hope Rescue team and Ridley’s compassionate foster family.

By providing Ridley with a second chance at life and ensuring she received the essential medical care she needed, these incredible individuals have made a lasting impact. Their story serves as a reminder of the profound difference that can be made when we open our hearts and homes to animals in need.

Let Ridley’s journey be an inspiration to all – head to your local animal shelter and give a furry friend the life they deserve, just as the SHR team did for this resilient and lovable pup.

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