Today Is My Birthday, Why Did You Leave Me, Why Did You Do This To Me? I’m So Sad


Today is my birthday, why did you leave me, why did you do this to me? I’m so sad.

In a small, deserted alleyway, there lived a dog named Buddy. Buddy was a scruffy, brown-and-white mutt with a heart full of love. He had once been part of a family, but circumstances had changed, and now he roamed the streets alone.

Buddy’s birthday was approaching, but it was just another day of survival for him. He had no one to celebrate with, no warm bed to curl up in, and no treats to look forward to. The bustling city around him was oblivious to his existence.

On the morning of his birthday, Buddy woke up in his usual spot behind an old dumpster. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the gritty pavement. He stretched and sniffed the air, hoping to catch a whiff of something edible. His stomach growled, reminding him of the constant hunger he faced.

Buddy trotted down the alley, his eyes scanning for any sign of food. He came across a bakery, its warm, delicious smells wafting through the air. Buddy lingered near the door, hoping for a scrap or two, but the busy workers shooed him away. He moved on, feeling a pang of sadness.

As the day went on, Buddy wandered through the city, dodging cars and avoiding unfriendly humans. He found a small park and lay down under a tree, watching families play and children laugh. He remembered the days when he had a family, when he was the center of attention on his birthday, showered with treats and belly rubs.

As the sun began to set, Buddy’s hope of finding any kind of celebration faded. He returned to his alley, tired and hungry. Just as he was about to curl up for the night, he heard a soft voice calling out to him.

A young woman named Emma, who had been feeding stray animals in the area, had noticed Buddy before. She approached him slowly, holding out a piece of chicken. Buddy’s tail wagged cautiously as he took the food from her hand. Emma sat down beside him, her eyes filled with compassion.

“Hey there, buddy,” she said softly. “Happy birthday.”

Buddy’s heart warmed at her words. Emma stayed with him for a while, petting him gently and talking to him as if he were an old friend. For the first time that day, Buddy felt a glimmer of happiness. Emma promised to come back the next day and every day after, to take care of him.

As Buddy lay down to sleep that night, he felt a sense of hope. His birthday had started out lonely and bleak, but it ended with a spark of kindness. Maybe, just maybe, his days of wandering alone were coming to an end. Buddy closed his eyes, dreaming of a future where he was no longer abandoned, but loved and cared for.

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