Following a successful surgical procedure, this black Labrador, who was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate, can now fully relish playing in the water


An imperfect start for the poor dog

Felix, a Black Labrador Retriever, entered the world with a formidable challenge. Born with a severe cleft lip and palate, his survival was far from guaranteed. Rescuer Jamie recounted the dire situation: “He was dying because he couldn’t nurse properly.” At just eleven days old, Felix faced a life-threatening battle against aspiration pneumonia.

Jamie’s dedication was unwavering. For seven weeks, she meticulously tube-fed Felix and nursed him back to health. Against all odds, the tiny puppy defied expectations and grew into a spirited, if unconventional, Labrador.

The painful illnesses the poor dog suffered

Despite his remarkable survival, Felix’s journey was far from over. In addition to his repaired cleft lip and palate, he grappled with a myriad of health issues. A misaligned colon caused digestive troubles, while a neurological tic, a possible side effect of surgery, added to the complexity of his care.

Moreover, Felix’s unique facial structure posed challenges. His misaligned jaws made eating difficult, requiring a specialized diet. His owner, Jamie, described the constant battle to keep Felix healthy and comfortable: “We live in Alaska, so one time there was a whole salmon skin up there. Another time, a plastic dental flosser was caught up there.”

A Resilient Spirit

Through it all, Felix remained an embodiment of joy and resilience. His owner, Jamie, praised his unwavering spirit: “He has more energy than he or I know what to do with and is blissfully unaware of his health issues.” Despite the numerous surgeries and ongoing challenges, Felix’s zest for life was infectious.

His playful nature was undeniable. Whether it was chasing balls, tormenting his stuffed animals, or simply exploring the world around him, Felix embraced every moment with childlike enthusiasm. His owner admitted to being constantly amazed by his strength and determination.

A Loving Home and Unconditional Love

Felix was fortunate to find a loving and supportive home. Surrounded by a pack of rescue dogs, a cat, and his devoted owner, he thrived in a chaotic yet affectionate environment. Jamie’s dedication to rescuing animals created a sanctuary for Felix, where he could be himself without judgment.

While Felix’s journey has been marked by challenges, his story is ultimately one of triumph. Against all odds, he has overcome immense obstacles to live a full and happy life. His resilience and unwavering spirit serve as an inspiration to all who encounter him.

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