The Elderly Shelter Dog Has Been Patiently Waiting For More Than 1,700 Days For A Loving Family To Adopt Him


JP was once a carefree puppy, basking in the love and affection of his human family. But life took an unexpected turn when his owner was deployed in 2019. Forced to part ways, JP found himself at the Bideawee Animal Shelter, a place that was meant to be temporary but turned into a prolonged stay.

The Dog’s Patient Waiting

Initially, JP was a bundle of energy, eager to meet new people and make friends. However, the passage of time in the shelter environment took its toll on his once-optimistic spirit. “He’s become a little more particular about the company he keeps,” Melissa Treuman, senior director of development and communication at Bideawee, explained. The constant influx of unfamiliar faces and the lack of stability had made him wary.

Despite his reservations, JP retained his affectionate nature with those he trusted. He loved cuddles, treats, and outdoor adventures. His playful spirit was still there, hidden beneath a layer of caution.

Cruelly ignored

JP’s story is unfortunately not uncommon. The challenges faced by large breed dogs in shelters are significant. New data from Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s State of Shelter Pet Adoption Report revealed a disturbing trend: while a majority of people expressed interest in adopting shelter dogs, only a quarter were open to adopting large breeds.

For JP, his size had become an obstacle to finding a forever home. He yearned for the companionship and stability he once knew.

Hope on the Horizon

Determined to find JP his perfect match, Bideawee and generous supporters took action. JP’s adoption fee was waived, and he was enrolled in a free training program. Additionally, Hill’s Pet Nutrition offered a year’s supply of dog food to his future adopter.

JP’s story resonated with countless people, and his supporters remained hopeful. With patience and perseverance, they believed that the right family would come along.

JP, a loyal and loving companion, deserved a second chance at happiness. His story serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by shelter animals, especially larger breeds. It is a call to action, urging people to consider adopting a shelter pet and providing them with the love and care they deserve.

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