2 Year Old Girl Goes To Shelter And Is Sick, Shy Pit Bull Just Needs Love

There are so many dogs in shelters, all of them want the same thing: to find their forever homes. But tragically, it might take some longer than others.Many dogs are routinely turned over by adopters, typically in favor of younger, more traditionally appealing puppies, owing to their breed, age, looks, or health concerns.

But every now and again, a good human comes along and opens their heart to these dogs. A 2-year-old girl was the caring person for one shelter pit bull, who picked him out of all the dogs at the shelter.

Audra Spurio never expected to be drawn to a sick and mangey pit bull when she took her 2-year-old daughter to the shelter to adopt a dog. But the toddler persevered, understanding that the dog needed some love and attention.

Audra told The Dodo, “My kid wanted to meet her more than any other dog at the shelter that day.” Despite the fact that the dog “stunk like mange,” the small girl persisted, “Mommy, that one.”

“Let the doggy out. Need help,” Gigi remarked.

So the girl got her wish, and Gigi let the pit bull play outside. While the dog was afraid and shy, the child was always kind and patient.

The dog’s ailments would have “grossed out” many youngsters, but Gigi just saw a companion in need of her aid. While playing outside, it was evident the two had an instant relationship, as the girl kissed and massaged the dog’s tummy.

“I witnessed this fearful puppy melt in G’s hands,” Audra explained. “She would not let go of my daughter.”

When the pit bull was returned to her kennel, Gigi begged her mother to take the dog home so they could care for her. “Sick doggie, go home,” says the two-year-old.

Fortunately, the young girl achieved her dream. The ailing pit bull won her heart out of all the dogs at the shelter that day, and the dog, now called Scarlett, is now in her new home.

Audra told The Dodo, “Scarlett is currently back home and doing much better.” “She still keeps G in her sights.”

The beautiful story has almost 14 million views on YouTube, with many users expressing optimism for the future due of Gigi and her care for animals.

What a wonderful, loving youngster. We’re so delighted that Scarlett found someone to love and care for her and found a beautiful home.

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