Poor Dog Was Hit By A Car, He Was In Pain Crying, Crying For Help For Many Days But No One Helped

It was a heart-wrenching sight at the marine oil gas station when pump employees heard the moans of a dog in anguish. Upon closer investigation, they noticed a little dog laying beside the station, barely alive and in severe pain. It was apparent that he had been struck by a vehicle four days before, but no one had rushed to his rescue. His leg was infested with maggots, and his condition was grave. Despite his sad condition, his eyes resembled those of a small arctic fox, and he was given the name Axl, inspired by his Scandinavian-like look.

Axl yelled out in pain, but he quietened down when handled tenderly. The first thing the rescuers did was transport him to a clinic and beg for a painkiller. Axl’s blood was examined for numbers and type, in case he required a blood transfusion, and an IV line was put. X-rays showed a damaged spine, and in addition to being infested with maggots, Axl was also being attacked by ants. The rescuers meticulously removed the maggots and ants manually, one by one, to lessen his suffering. Despite seeming unconscious, Axl could be woken with food, showing his resolve to life.

With luck on his side, the rescuers hoped that Axl might pull through, but they knew the road to recovery would be tough. Despite his condition, Axl was eating and drinking reasonably well, and there were indications of progress. However, by sunrise, his condition took a turn for the worse as he seemed pale and grumpy. The rescuers lost no time in rushing him back to the clinic for a blood test and a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, Axl’s blood results were significantly worse than when he was first rescued, but the blood transfusion was a success, due to the blood from a wonderful donor called Sinead.

Axl was freed from the clinic earlier and was transported back to the shelter where he could continue his recovery. The tenacious little snow fox, as he came to be called, could now sit up on his own, showing progress in his recovery path. He made a frown when he had to take his medication, but he knew it was vital for his recuperation. Axl even got a bath, and his grin expressed his pleasure for the care he was getting. Day by day, Axl gained strength, and the rescuers believed he was ready to take his first steps again.


Axl’s tale is a monument to the resiliency of animals and the power of love and care. Despite the pain and suffering he faced, Axl struggled to live, and with the aid of determined rescuers, he is on the road to recovery. His story is a reminder of the significance of aiding people in need and campaigning for the welfare of animals. As Axl continues his recuperation, he acts as an example to others, showing that with dedication and compassion, even the most terrible circumstances can have a silver lining.

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