Pulguita, A Small, Skinny Dog Was Half-Alive With Scabies And Rough Skin

It was just another ordinary afternoon for me as I was walking back home from work. I had my headphones on, listening to my favorite playlist, when I saw her. Pulguita, a small, skinny dog was hiding among the branches of the trees. At first, I ignored her, thinking that she was a stray dog from the neighborhood. However, the next morning, I saw her again, and this time, I couldn’t ignore her anymore.

Pulguita’s condition was terrible. She was half-alive with scabies and rough skin. Although she wanted to be rescued, she was still cautious about strangers. I understood it was normal for an abandoned dog, but I couldn’t leave her in that condition. After spending an hour with her, I gained her trust, and she let me pick her up.

I was busy with a lot of work that day, but I stopped everything to bring Pulguita to the vet. Her biggest problem was scabies and demodex, besides she was anemic and debilitated. That was understandable due to lack of daily food and unhygienic conditions. The doctors were extremely patient with her, and they did everything they could to make her feel better.

Pulguita’s journey to health was not an easy one. She had to go through several tests and treatments. Some infectious disease tests like the pravo were done, but fortunately, she tested negative for it. The child was extremely patient, and the doctors were trying very hard. I could not imagine what she must have gone through, and I did not want to think about it. All I knew was that I needed to clear this nightmare from her head.

That night, it rained heavily, and I couldn’t stop thinking about Pulguita. I imagined her still outside, wet, and cold. The next day, I visited her, and she seemed to have taken an interest in me. As I stood next to her, she approached me, asking me to stroke her. It was then that I realized that she was not just any ordinary dog, but a fighter.

Pulguita ate very well, and she loved to play and run around a lot. I brought her siblings and her mother to stay with her, and soon, she was surrounded by love and care. Her battle to regain her skin continued, and she was still suffering from pain and itching all over her body. However, she never gave up. Her resilience and determination inspired me to keep fighting for her.

Two months later, I saw a remarkable improvement in her health. Her skin was slowly starting to heal, and her fur was growing back. Pulguita was a different dog altogether. She was happy, playful, and full of energy. She had come a long way from the shy, cautious dog that I had met a few months ago.

One year later, I visited Pulguita again, and I was amazed by how far she had come. She was healthy, happy, and peaceful. Her life had taken a complete turn, and she had left her painful past behind. Pulguita was now a symbol of hope and resilience, and I felt proud of being a part of her journey.

In conclusion, Pulguita’s journey was not just a rescue story, but a story of hope, resilience, and determination. It showed us that no matter how hard life gets, we should never give up. Pulguita’s journey inspired me to keep fighting for what I believe in, and I hope it inspires you too.

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