75 Poodles Survive Horrific Puppy Mill Infested With Parasites And Deceased Dogs

Earlier this month, the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals (OAA) was contacted by the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office regarding a puppy mill bust. The kind-hearted folks at OAA immediately sprung into action, organizing their dedicated staff and volunteers for what can only be described as a rescue mission.

When shelter staff arrived on scene at the puppy mill location, they were horrified by the sights, sounds, and smells that greeted them. An estimated seventy-five Poodles and Poodle Mixes were found in deplorable conditions, alongside countless deceased animals.

The dogs were filthy and infested with parasites. They were confined to small, cramped kennels in a barn-like facility and were made to play, sleep, eat, and breed in their own filth. A scene that was created from pure cruelty and neglect.

“The conditions of the dogs are – simply put – horrific. They are extremely matted. They are caked in feces and urine. And nearly all the dogs are suffering from anemia related to truly incomprehensible infestations of fleas, ticks, and maggots,” said OAA staff. “Multiple dogs are receiving advanced medical treatment due to severe blood loss, and sadly one has had to be humanely euthanized due to her condition.”

Several dogs required immediate medical attention and were transported to OAA’s veterinary partners, while the Tulsa SPCA took in others. In addition to their deplorable medical condition, many of these dogs suffered from severe behavioral issues. After all, they had learned to fear humans and were extremely undersocialized.

While many of these pups were receiving intensive medical care, the staff at OAA and the Tulsa SPCA began to search for longer-term housing solutions for those that were healthy enough to be rehomed. Not yet eligible for adoption due to their behavioral issues, these sweet pups needed to be placed in foster care for rehabilitation.

Fortunately, many members of this ragtag group, now lovingly referred to as the Pontotoc Poodles, were able to be placed in foster homes, sourced through Tulsa’s Puppy Haven Rescue. These fosters were chosen due to their experience in behavioral rehabilitation and will assist the Pontotoc Poodle crew by providing a safe and loving space for the dogs to heal.

“We want to thank Puppy Haven Rescue for working hard to secure these patient, experienced fosters to help the Pontotoc poodle pack,” said Oklahoma Alliance for Animals staff. “They are truly in the best hands.”

The primary goal of this rehabilitation program is to teach the Pontotoc Poodles that not all humans are cruel. Their efforts to create a bond of trust with these dogs will, hopefully, allow them to one day be placed in permanent family homes. These foster families will attempt to show these innocent souls firsthand that not all humans should be feared.

In a Facebook post, the OAA staff shared several photos and videos of the dogs in their foster homes, finally safe and able to rest. They hope each of these sweet pups will be eligible for adoption after a bit of rehabilitation.

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