Poor Dog Has Been Neglected for Many Years, When Took off Leash, He Took a Few Steps & Collapsed

Today we took in one of the worst neglect cases our rescue has ever had.

This sweet boy was found on a property when the Sheriffs Dept was handling an eviction.

The rope is still around his neck which has bound him for many years. He endured pain in the sun and rain. He was terribly ill. The shelter staff and all involved were heartbroken at the site of this sweet boy. They named him Justice.

When Justice arrived, we were absolutely speechless. He was in worse condition than the photos could ever show. He weighed just 35 pounds (he should probably weigh about 70 pounds). He was covered in dried blood and flea dirt. His ears were packed full of black dirt. He was so weak he could barely walk. He could only stand for a few moments at a time. His gums were white and he was urinating blood. He was also heartworm.

Positive Bloodwork showed he is very anemic: high white count, low protein, high potassium. He also had a severe urinary tract infection. Currently we have Justice resting comfortably on a comfy bed with soft blankets. He barely has enough energy to stand or walk, but he finds the energy to make his tail wag. Justice does have to be fed a special food. He is also going to need ongoing vet care. Justice felt well enough to go out and walk around in the yard today.

He’s still shaky, but he had enough strength to motor around for almost 10 minutes without stumbling or falling. This is amazing progress for sweet Justice. Look at how far Justice has come. He is such a strong boy who has been to Hell and back. Justice is finally feeling good and starting to be a happy doggo. Justice loves stuffies. He is also feeling well enough to fight you for them. He’s waiting for his forever home. It could be YOU, Please share. So Justice comes to sweet families. He will surely be a loyal and friendly dog.

Thank you, Helping Hearts & Healing Tails Animal Rescue organization for rescuing and taking care of Justice.

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