This Young Dog Was Severely Burned After Children Threw Him In A Campfire

Polo was a young dog, around eight months old, who was thrown into a campfire by children in mid-May. Severely burned on the nose, mouth and stomach, he was covered in painful blisters which replaced his white fur.

Luckily, he was taken in by the Canadian rescue, Save A Dog Network Canada, based in Winnipeg. Katie Powell, the founder, explained to the channel CBC:

He managed to survive but is badly burned. In the past two years, I’ve been a part of well over 1,000 rescues involving dogs, [but] you can never prepare yourself for these types. He is in bad shape right now.

The large majority of Polo’s fur melted in the fire, which hindered his rescuers from determining his breed. But his long coat is also what protected him.

His fur saved his life. If he had a short coat, he would have died.

While the young dog suffered enormously because of his injuries, he has remained extremely affectionate, and has showed great strength of spirit. The principal of the children’s school and the authorities have been informed of the incident, but Katie Powell isn’t interested in the eventual punishment they will receive:

Our focus is on how Polo was saved because of the amazing people who live in that community — those who reacted so quickly to contact us. Naturally, my first thought is anger. For obvious reasons, I am mad, because this poor innocent dog has suffered for no real reason. Secondly, I feel pain. Pain for our little guy, but more pain for the family of this dog. The most concerning part of this is the humans that felt it was OK to inflict such pain on an animal.

Polo is now being spoiled at the shelter and will continue to receive daily care. He is ready to fight, and once healed, he will be given to a family who will help him forget this nightmare and give him all the love which he desperately needs.You can read up more about animal cruelty laws in the United States and in Canada here.

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